Chemical Solutions and Innovations (CSI) developed a unique system that includes a range of specialised services to manage the products supplied by it to industry.
CSI has a proven track record that this system allows the customer to achieve optimal output, reduces costs and improve on its overall performance. Our CMS program consists of a multi-tier approach to strategically optimise customer operations. With its specialised team and holistic approach, CSI can conduct a chemical audit, supply the correct product, manage it, facilitate overall improvement and cost reduction.
The CMS program consists of 4 different levels to cater for individual operational and production requirements, these four levels can be summarised as follows:
This level consists of services relating to stock control and monitoring of products supplied by CSI.
This level includes on-site personnel with monitoring of products supplied by CSI.
This is an expanded CMS program which can span a single or multiple-shift basis with generation of monthly usage reports, filling, monitoring of all lubricating systems and includes stock control.
This level encompasses all the other levels of CMS and includes management and procurement of all production chemicals whether purchased directly from CSI or indirectly through CSI.
Level 3 & 4 CMS programs are customised to the client’s needs which can include equipment:
Evaporator Units that can treat up to 12000L/day, models can be observed on
VFU 500, models can be observed on
Automatic Dosing Systems supplied by CSI
Pneumatic Fluid Systems, Manual Decanting Containers, Oil-safe Containers and more supplied by CSI
Coalescing units, in-line filtration and other fluid treatment equipment supplied by CSI
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