CSI specialises in chemical audits of production facilities. This process is completed to ensure that your plant runs efficiently and can be used as the first step in determining if Chemical Management Services is a feasible proposition for your facility.

CSI’s technical team will audit every fluid in every operation in your plant to determine if it is the correct fluid and if it is being used correctly. In addition, the technical team will look at machine status, cleanliness and engage with the staff to determine if any problems are being experienced. Hereafter an audit report will be presented to the customer along with recommendations based on the findings. The next step in the process is the determination of cost-saving initiatives and where CSI can assist in the implementation of cost-saving initiatives.

Coolant Concentration Test

The coolant concentration test analyses whether your coolant mixture is correct to ensure protection against corrosion and bacterial growth. The test is done via acidimetric titration and refractometer.

pH Value Test

pH is one of the most common analyses in testing. An indication of the sample’s alkalinity, pH is a measurement of the activity of hydrogen ions in the sample. pH measurements are reported on a scale from 0 to 14, with 7.0 considered neutral.

Acid-Base Titration Test

This test is a method of quantitative analysis for determining the concentration of the alkalinity present in the coolant by neutralizing it with a standard solution of acid (HCl). A pH indicator monitors the progress of the acid-base reaction.

Acid-Split Test

The Acid-Split Test measures the total amount of organic material that can be split from an emulsion. For most fluids, these are the non-water-soluble materials like oil, ester and fatty acids. Readings may be impacted by Tramp Oil entering the sample. A strong acid is used to separate the organic phase (oil, ester) from the aqueous phase.

Total Suspended Solids Test

Total suspended solids (TSS) is the dry-weight of suspended particles that are not dissolved, in a sample of water that can be trapped by a filter that is analysed using a filtration apparatus.

DIN Corrosion Test

A DIN corrosion test is a corrosion testing methodology that uses special cast iron chips to measure the corrosion resistance of products over extended periods.

Bacteria/Fungi Contamination Test

Dipslides are used to test for the number of Bacteria (CFU/ml)/Fungi spores in the sample.

Stain Test

Stain tests are done on different materials such as aluminium, yellow metals and galvanized steel to determine the effect products have on the surface appearance of these materials (compatibility test).

Foaming Tendency of Emulsions

A CNOMO foam tester is used to determine the foaming tendency of a fluid containing emulsifiers. The test determines if the foaming issue is mechanical or chemical.

Conductivity Test

Test for the ability of water to transfer electricity; for most water-soluble products, ions in the water impact the conductivity. For some emulsions, high levels of conductivity can actually disrupt the emulsion and create a split condition.

Chloride Ion Concentration Test

Tests the concentration of chloride ions (ppm) in the water.

Water Hardness Test

Water hardness is a measure of the amount of calcium and magnesium salts in water. The more calcium and magnesium in water, the harder the water. Water hardness is usually expressed in milligrams per litre (mg/l) of dissolved calcium and magnesium carbonate.

Chloride Test

Chloride is a common corrosive ion that can be found in the water that is used to make up the machining coolant. Different testing methodologies are used to test the level of Chloride found in the coolant with water samples.

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